Adjusting the Arcimoto Parking Brake

When you find less than 3 lit blue dots on your parking brake button and/or no parking brake icon on the dash, it might be time to adjust the rear parking brake.

I made a video here:

There are pictures and directions on page 37 of this manual:

A quick recap to adjust the parking brake: 

  1. Ensure you have the correct amount of cable and thread showing. See photo below. 

  2. Disengage the parking brake so the tension is off
  3. Removing the actuator lever nut using a 16mm wrench 
  4. Rotate the lever up all the way. Now pull the lever out while still in up position
  5. Inside is a cogged or splined nut. You want to rotate only 1 spline to the left (or counter clockwise) and put the lever back on. 
  6. Put the actuator lever nut back on and tighten to 36 Ft-Lbs. 
  7. Repeat 2-6 if the 3 blue lights don’t show on the parking brake button.

Look at the amount of cable out of the cable casing. This should be 1/4" to 1/2". As the brake wears it will get shorter. A newer FUV may need to have the cable adjusted more often but as the cable stretches, it may need it less often.

The parking brake is not adjusted by changing the cable lock nuts. This adjustment locks the cable so that the motor is properly connected to the adjusting lever. 

From FB FUV Club Post

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